An easy way to find the file your after is with a web browser. When you find a link to the file your after in a web page, right mouse click on the link and copy it to the clipboard. Then select Quick Connect on the ByteCatcher screen. Right mouse click and paste in the link. You can then connect to the FTP server and the Internet file will be highlighted waiting for you to drag it to your chosen local directory.
When your downloading a large file minimize the web page with ByteCatcher in it and have fun browsing the web while it downloads in the background. When you've had enough simply hit Stop on ByteCatcher. Next time your on the web hit Go on ByteCatcher to continue downloading where you left off.
If your uploading your web pages, connect with Normal Connect entering your User Name and Password. Tick all your web page files, then drag them across to your Internet site.
Windows NT users will need to make sure the Remote Access settings are checked to allow redial on link failure. This option is found in the Options/Redial Settings menu.
If you want to perform an action of more than one file. Tick all the files you want selected.
You can get ByteCatcher to shut down the computer after downloading
is finished by selecting Yes in the ByteCatcher Options dialog located
on the toolbar.